How about main test and inspection equipment in ZZHZ?
How about support legs of walking type launching gantry?
walking type launching gantry for highway bridge construction has 4 support legs in total.
Special points about support legs of walking type launching gantry
There are some special points about support legs of walking type launching gantry as listed below. And you can also understand them as advantages of ZZHZ launching gantry.
Special points for HZQ40/100 honeycomb girder launching gantry
HZQ40/100 honeycomb girder launching gantry is developed to install pre-cast girder bridge, it can construct bridge in below range:
What are target markets of ZZHZ products?
ZZHZ is professional manufacturer and exporter of gantry crane, overhead crane and launching gantry, whose products are widely used in infrastructure projects such as tunnel, roads, highways, railways and hydropower.
How about the lifting trolley of launching gantry?
Lifting trolley is made up of longitudinal moving gearbox, transverse girder and rail, transverse moving trolley, winch, movable and fixed pulley group, and hanging beam.
How about the payment for ZZHZ?
There are many payment ways in international trade. While ZZHZ only accepts several payment ways after carefully considering both benefits of sellers and buyers.
How to construct a skew bridge?

A skew bridge refers that a bridge longitudinal direction axis is not vertical to crossed river flow direction or route axis. The skew bridge is often seen in intersections of two highways or more.
How to construct a curved bridge?
Usually we construct a bridge, the max cross slope may be 5%. In the condition, what can we do?
Firstly if there is a cross slope, it will be a curved bridge. According to the theory of centrifugal force, the bridge shall be lower inside than outside so that traveling vehicles are not thrown out.
How to construct upslope bridges and downslope bridges for a launching gantry?
As the launching gantry construct the bridge, we usually meet a lot of different working conditions like longitudinal slope. In this case, we have to adjust height of support legs to create a suitable construction environment.
I will take an example that how to construct a bridge with max longitudinal slope 5% which usually is the max gradient the launching gantry could be used.