ZZHZ Business License

Translation of ZZHZ Business License

FAQ 十二 07, 2012 Translation of ZZHZ Business License已关闭评论

Business license   (duplicate)

Zhengzhou Industrial and Commercial Enterprise

Registered No.: 410106100002090 -1/1

Name: Zhengzhou Huazhong Construction Machinery Co., Ltd

ZZHZ Business License

ZZHZ Business License

Location: No.114, Industrial Road, Shangjie District, Zhengzhou

Name of legal representative: Song Peng Wei

Registered capital: RMB 34,500,000

Paid-up capital: RMB 34.500,000

Enterprise type: limited liability Company (natural personal investment or holding)

Business scope: fabrication of construction machinery; fabrication, installation, reconstruction and maintenance of hoisting machinery; welding and construction of large-sized metal structure, equipment leasing, precision casting; deal with export business for own products and technology of the company and import business for needed machinery, spear parts, raw and auxiliary materials and technology, while commodities limited and forbidden to export by China should not be included (products business in above scope can be run only after being examined and approved and by effective license).

Foundation date: November 7, 1992

Term of operation: November 8, 2004 to November 8, 2014



Business license is proof for enterprise legal person status and legal business.

Business license includes an original and a duplicate which have the same legal force.

The original business license should be placed in the eye-catching place of residence.

Business license shall not counterfeit, alter, lease, lend and transfer.

If registered items change, it shall provide the company registration authority for change of registration, renewal of the business license.

Annual examination shall be conducted in every year from March 1 to June 30

The company shall not engage in irrelevant activities after the business license is revoked.

To cancel its registration, the company should return the original and duplicate of business license

If the business license is lost or damaged, the company shall register in the designated newspaper to declare invalid and apply for an alternate.

Annual examination shall be conducted every year in Shangjie Branch of Administrative Bureau for Industry and Commerce, Zhengzhou


Shangjie Branch of Administrative Bureau for Industry and Commerce, Zhengzhou

May 2, 2008

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