The Assembling Steps of the Bridge Building Crane

FAQ 一 08, 2015 No Comments


The Assembling Steps of the Bridge Building Crane


Step 1: the sliding rail
1.The placement of the sleeper: the sleepers should be placed horizontally on the head of the bridge or the precast girder. The distance between the two sleepers is about half meters, and the sleepers should be horizontal, forming a straight line and paralleling with the bridge pier.
2.The placement of the sliding rail: each segment of the sliding rail should be placed on the sleepers with the mobile crane or other lifting equipment.
3.Ultra flat: the sliding rail should be flatted with the level gauge.
4.The support: If there is any gap or unfirm place, then it should be fitted firmly with the steel panel.

Especially, the two points of the sliding rail. The technical and safe requirements of this step:
(1)The horizontal lift and package should be horizontal. And no one is allowed to stand under the hook in the process of assembly.
(2)The sleepers under the sliding rail must be firm to avoid that the rail rolls over and injures people.




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