anchoring points

How many anchoring points do we have for launching gantry?

FAQ 六 29, 2015 No Comments

Anchoring is in order to safe use of launching gantry, and we must pay more attention. Anchoring and wind resistance measures supplement and coordinate with each other.


1. Front, rear support leg anchoring

Front, rear support leg anchoring is realized by finished deformed bar. As support leg moves with main frame, it is anchored on the main frame; as it slides longitudinally by supporting main frame, it is anchored with pier or girder surface.

2. Auxiliary front and rear support leg anchoring

Auxiliary front and rear support leg anchoring includes two aspects: longitudinal anchoring, anchoring with pier or pier top block. Anchoring may make launching gantry have higher stability and safety in the working condition and in longitudinal moving process.

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