Support legs of HZQ59/80 launching girder

What is introduction on support legs of HZQ59/80 launching girder?

FAQ 一 09, 2013 What is introduction on support legs of HZQ59/80 launching girder?已关闭评论

HZQ59/80 launching girder is equipped with front support leg, middle support leg and 4 sets gantry crane support legs, front support leg and gantry crane support legs have telescopic functions.

HZQ59/80 launching girder

HZQ59/80 launching girder

Front support leg is installed at front part of front guide beam, made up of inner sleeve, outer sleeve, hydraulic cylinder and ball chassis, providing support for front support leg hanging to move forward

Middle support leg is made up of roller gearbox, hanging wheels, top and bottom turntable, arched support girder, transverse moving gearbox and transverse sliding rail, it supports the launching girder to install girders.

Gantry crane support legs are installed at rear part of main longitudinal girder, made up of bracket, inner sleeve, outer sleeve and hydraulic cylinder, at one hand they are support of rear part of the launching girder, at the other hand they can divide to be used as gantry crane for lifting girders in precast yard

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